NODES occur when there is a specific overlap of the three Human consciousness grids. Gaia (as the Gaia grid) has a field apart from the crystalline and when The Crystalline Grid overlaps with Gaia in certain attributes there is a build-up of energy that creates a node. There are three kinds of nodes: portal, vortex and vortal. A portal is a node that overlaps and amplifies Gaia. A vortex is a node where the energies collide and they are constantly moving. To some being in a vortex may feel good for a while but it’s hard to live there. A vortal is a node that is a mixture of a portal and a vortex. One of the attributes of nodes is that they absorb energy that is no longer needed. This is the mechanics of how The Crystalline Grid is recalibrating and why battlefields will no longer hold the energy charge of fear, war and death.

Nodes are places of immense intensity, often in places that are less accessible or desirable for human habitation. But humans are very attracted to them anyway, and the indigenous of the Earth often built temples there.

Some well-known locations where nodes occur include: Mt Shasta, California; Sedona, Arizona; and Machu Picchu, Peru.

NULLS occur also when there is a specific overlap of the three Human consciousness grids. However, in this instance the overlap of The Crystalline Grid with Gaia cancels each other out in energy and you get a null. A null is therefore a place where there is an absence of The Crystalline Grid, and so what you get is pure Gaia energy only. You might even say that it leaves a hole in The Crystalline Grid, creating the perfect place for the Pleiadians to push energy and information to that grid. This information will create new inventions and new consciousness for the planet.

Nulls may feel wonderful, but it’s too overwhelming to be in for long periods. It represents pure creative energy. It’s far harder to live in, and the places on Earth where it exists are often uninhabited for that reason (some are in the ocean as well). It also has odd magnetic field characteristics, making it difficult for life-force and balanced brain synapse (also difficult for standard magnetic navigation). Unbalance and confusion is the result (also apparent malfunction with navigational devices).

Some well-known locations where nulls occur include: Valley of the Moon (San Pedro de Atacama), Chile; Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (Africa) and the Bermuda Triangle.

There is no symmetry with these lines and they occur beneath the Earth as well as on the Earth so it becomes more complex than what we think. All of these lines are created by The Crystalline Grid, and The Crystalline Grid is created by Human consciousness. Human consciousness has shifted greatly which has triggered a recalibration of everything: Gaia, The Crystalline Grid and Human nature as we know it.

Read more about NODES and NULLS (on Kryon site)